You searched for: Vinca minor
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $89.46 ($4.97 per plant) In stock. |
1 flat of 50 2.25" peat pots: $163.50 ($3.27 per plant) In stock. |
1000 - 4999: $0.54 each | 5000+: $0.49 each Out of stock, due 04/12/2025.Email when available |
500 - 999: $0.74 each | 1000 - 4999: $0.54 each Out of stock, due 04/12/2025.Email when available |
On Sale!: $0.97, Discount: 51% Out of stock, due 04/10/2025.Email when available |
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $107.46 ($5.97 per plant) In stock. |
1 flat of 50 2.25" peat pots: $173.50 ($3.47 per plant) In stock. |
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $94.97 ($5.28 per plant) Out of stock, due date unknown.Email when available |
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $107.46 ($5.97 per plant) Out of stock, due date unknown.Email when available |
![]() On Sale!: $395.60, Discount: 20% In stock. |
25 - 249: $6.27 each | 250 - 999: $5.97 each In stock. |
25 - 249: $6.27 each | 250 - 999: $5.97 each In stock. |
1 flat of 50 cells: $126.00 ($2.52 per plant) In stock. |
Tutorial on basic planting technique (designed for slopes, applies to flat areas as well). |