Plant Finder Overview

Our Plant Finder is the simplest and fastest way to find your perfect plants. Let it do the work so you don't have to!

The Plant Finder is a tool that can help you find just the right plants for any area you want to plant. Before reading the instructions below, click here to open the Plant Finder in a separate window. This way you can try the tips below as you read them.

Simply select the attributes that you want in your plants and matching plants will be displayed.
Start with your hardiness zone. If we guessed at your zone based on the zip code of your internet location, confirm that it is the correct zone/zip code and update it if it is incorrect.

Note: after making a selection, the plants that match your selections will be displayed. Click on any photograph to see detailed information and larger photographs. The number of matching plants is noted above the plant photographs.

You may further refine the list of matching plants and quickly identify the plants that are ideal for your needs by selecting one or more additional attributes.

The first group contains the most popular attributes:
  • Sun exposure: you may specify the amount of sunlight the plant will get (select one or more).
  • Evergreen: displays only plants with evergreen foliage.
  • Creeping: plants that creep to fill areas.
Click "More attributes" to display more choices:
  • Between Stepping Stones: plants that are suitable for use between pavers or stepping stones (low growing and tolerant of some foot traffic).
  • Borders: plants that are often used for borders and edging.
  • Climbs: plants that climb trees, buildings, trellises, etc.
  • Erosion control: plants that are good at controlling erosion.
  • Growth rate: you may select one or more growth rates.
  • Long bloom time: plants with extended or repeat bloom cycles.
  • Slopes: plants that grow well on slopes.
  • Tolerant of...: if you want plants that are tolerant drought, poor soil, foot traffic (can be walked on), deer, rabbits, salt and/or wet conditions, select one or more.
  • Under Trees: plants that grow under pine, walnut or other trees.
  • Vines: plants that are vines.
  • Weed Suppressor: plants that are the most effective at choking out weeds.
Click "Even more attributes" to display all remaining choices for filtering results:
  • Attracts: plants that attract wildlife (select one or more: hummingbirds, butterflies, birds).
  • Cascades: plants that cascade (over rocks and walls, out of beds, etc.).
  • Edible: plants with foliage or berries that can be eaten.
  • Fire Resistant: plants that resist burning.
  • Fragrant: plants with fragrant blooms or foliage.
  • Grass: plants with grassy foliage.
  • Height: plants that have a certain average minimum height and/or maximum height.
  • Native to the U.S.: plants that are native to the United States.
  • pH: plants that will grow in soil with a certain pH (the number that defines relative acidity or alkalinity of the soil).
  • Potted or Bare Root Plants: in case you want to see only potted plants or only bare root plants.
  • Variegated: plants with multi-colored foliage.
  • Zone: AHS Heat: in case you wish to view only plants that tend to thrive in a particular AHS Heat Zone.

As you select more attributes, the list of plants displayed will shrink. After you have selected all of your required attributes, you will be looking at the plants that perfectly match your desires.

If you want to change or cancel an attribute selection, click on the attribute you wish to change or cancel.

If no plants are displayed, you have selected too many attributes (no plants match all the attributes you have selected). Change one or more attribute selections by clicking on the attribute.

If you want to resume seeing the Plant Finder matches when you have other content in the main area, simply click the Plant Finder button.

Try Plant Finder now!


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