Goes well with False Spirea (White)

Lily Turf 'Densiflora' {Bare Root Plants, min 50}
50 - 249: $1.57 each  |  250 - 999: $1.27 each
(Liriope) Lush, clumping coverage of deep emerald leaf blades with a showy lavender flower spike like miniature grape hyacinths. Easy to grow, tolerates drought and some salt. 18-22" tall.
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Japanese Spurge {flat of 18 Pots - 3 1/4 in}
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $85.86 ($4.77 per plant)
Thick and glossy jade evergreen foliage actually looks like a flower as it whirls around the stem giving a constant bloom effect. Maintenance-free, grows in just about any soil. Mature height 6-12".
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Creeping Lily Turf {flat of 18 Pots - 3 1/4 in}
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $85.86 ($4.77 per plant)
(Liriope) Pale lavender to white flower spikes bloom in late summer amidst dense arching, evergreen (in southern zones) mat-forming tufts of narrow grassy foliage, 12-15" tall.
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Periwinkle 'Traditional' {flat of 18 Pots - 3 1/4 in}
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $89.46 ($4.97 per plant)
(Common/Creeping Periwinkle/Myrtle) True garden standard. Evergreen trailing vine with glossy emerald leaves forming thick coverage and profuse perwinkle flowers in spring, with occasional blooms to frost. 4-6" tall.
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English Ivy {flat of 18 Pots - 3 1/4 in}
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $89.46 ($4.97 per plant)
The quintessential, glossy-green ivy. Fast-growing, evergreen vine. Emerald foliage with prominent veins. Perfect covering slopes and climbing structures. Mature height 6-12", can climb 30-40 feet.
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Golden Creeping Jenny {flat of 18 Pots - 3 1/4 in}
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $107.46 ($5.97 per plant)
(Gold Moneywort) Golden yellow in sun and lime-green in shade, this circular foliage is fast and low growing, forms a mat of dense coverage with delicate sunny yellow blooms. 2-4" tall.
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Daylily 'Orange' {Bare Root Plants, min 25}
On Sale!: $2.77
Discount: 49%
('Fulva', Tawny/Tiger Daylily) The native daylily is famous for colorful clementine-orange blossoms with a burgundy/yellow throat on 28-32" foliage. Tolerates most soil conditions. A hardy garden staple.
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Greater (Large Leaf) Periwinkle {3 1/2 in. Pots min 25}
25 - 249: $6.27 each  |  250 - 999: $5.97 each
(Big Leaf Periwinkle/Myrtle) Hardy and graceful, this deep evergreen trailing vine is dotted in blue-lilac flowers in early spring. Spreads quickly once established, fairly drought resistant. Mature prostrate height 8-18".
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Yellow Archangel {3 1/2 in. Pots min 25}
25 - 249: $6.57 each  |  250 - 999: $6.27 each
(Deadnettle, Silverfrost, Variegated Lamium) Stunning green and silver variegated foliage forms a loose mat that spreads indefinitely. Lovely lemon drops of yellow blooms cover it in late spring. 12-18" tall.
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Coral Bells 'Palace Purple' {tray of 72 cells}
1 flat of 72 cells: $199.44 ($2.77 per plant)
(Coralbells, Alumroot) An evergreen that makes a statement with clumps (typically 12" tall) of deep mahogany leaves with purple-red tops and and beet-red undersides. Elegant creamy bell-shaped flower spikes in spring.
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Plantain Lily 'Wide Brim' {tray of 38 cells}
1 flat of 38 cells: $214.32 ($5.64 per plant)
Plantain Lily 'Wide Brim' reaches 20-24 inches and thrives in partial shade to full shade. Its broad, variegated leaves with a wide white margin create a striking and classic touch in shaded garden areas.
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