Save 20% on this combination of shade plants with dramatically striking variegated foliage that deer generally avoid. Plant in shade or part-shade in zones 6-9.
Save 20% on this collection of pink and white Phlox that integrates perfectly and elegantly, mixed together or planted in adjacent masses. For sun or part sun in zones 3-9.
Save 20% on this package of gorgeously vibrant red, white and pink Astilbe and add intricate foliage and brighten your shady or partly shady area in zones 3-9.
Save 25% on this package of plants that butterflies, birds and your neighbors will love! Rich magenta-purple, golden, and moony-white flowers promise color, height variation and texture at exceptional value. Zones 3-10.
Save 25% on this package of plants that offer an abundance of white flowers giving brightness and texture as well as elegant blooms to your shady to part-shade location in zones 5-8. Deer tend not to eat these!
Save 25% on this package of plants that are the perfect solution yielding a sea of elegant white flowers in your sunny to part-sunny location in zones 4-9.
Save 25% on this package of gorgeously vibrant red, white and pink Astilbe and add intricate foliage and brighten your shady or partly shady area in zones 3-9.
A fast-growing evergreen vine with glossy leaves that are unusually dark green with prominent white veins. Adopts a slight eggplant hue in autumn. Mature height 6-12", can climb 30-40 feet.
The quintessential fern, vibrant evergreen fronds are leathery and divided with holly-like leaflets. Excellent for erosion control, borders, edging and along foundations or walls. 12-24" tall.
The quintessential fern, vibrant evergreen fronds are leathery and divided with holly-like leaflets. Excellent for erosion control, borders, edging and along foundations or walls. 12-24" tall.
Splendid peridot green with fronds that shift from yellow to bronze-cinnamon, this hardy, highly versatile, moisture loving fern is famous for the spicy colors of her fronds. Mature height 30-60".
Splendid peridot green with fronds that shift from yellow to bronze-cinnamon, this hardy, highly versatile, moisture loving fern is famous for the spicy colors of her fronds. Mature height 30-60".
('Fulva', Tawny/Tiger Daylily) The native daylily is famous for colorful clementine-orange blossoms with a burgundy/yellow throat on 28-32" foliage. Tolerates most soil conditions. A hardy garden staple.
(Dwarf Monkey Grass, Dwarf Lilyturf, Kyoto) Great foot-tolerant, no-mow turf substitute choice. A low-growing, dense and lush evergreen ground cover with dark green grass-like clumps of leaf blades that will thrive in sun or shade. 2-3" tall.
People love this fern because it dramatically brightens shade gardens with vibrant chartreuse, medium sized foliage that emits the unique scent of fresh-cut hay when rubbed or crushed slightly. 2' tall.
People love this fern because it dramatically brightens shade gardens with vibrant chartreuse, medium sized foliage that emits the unique scent of fresh-cut hay when rubbed or crushed slightly. 2' tall.
Thick and glossy jade evergreen foliage actually looks like a flower as it whirls around the stem giving a constant bloom effect. Maintenance-free, grows in just about any soil. Mature height 6-12".
(AKA Northern Lady Fern) With stems shifting from chartreuse to red and sunny spring-green leaves feathering gracefully from a central point, Lady Fern is sought after for her decorative appearance. 12-36" tall.
(AKA Northern Lady Fern) With stems shifting from chartreuse to red and sunny spring-green leaves feathering gracefully from a central point, Lady Fern is sought after for her decorative appearance. 12-36" tall.
(May Lily, May Bells, Lily Constancy, Ladder-to-Heaven, Male Lily and Muguet, Our Lady's Tears) Jade-green leaves provide a low, dense groundcover with deliciously fragrant white, bell-shaped flowers in May that dangle like pearls, brightening areas of dense shade. ...
Incredible emerald (spring, summer) evergreen trailing vine that turns burgundy in fall. Rapid spreading, it tolerates most conditions, including poor soils and drought. Mature height 6-12".
(Flowering Fern) The most spectacular North American fern with a large size and distinctly different sterile and fertile parts that offer vivid green and rusty citrine colors. Highly sought after for landscaping. 24"-60" tall.
(Flowering Fern) The most spectacular North American fern with a large size and distinctly different sterile and fertile parts that offer vivid green and rusty citrine colors. Highly sought after for landscaping. 24"-60" tall.
Tennessee Ostrich Fern (Glade Fern) is a deciduous fern that grows 36-72". It thrives in deep shade, featuring delicate, arching fronds ideal for woodland gardens and shady areas.
Tennessee Ostrich Fern (Glade Fern) is a deciduous fern that grows 36-72". It thrives in deep shade, featuring delicate, arching fronds ideal for woodland gardens and shady areas.
(Trumpet Vine, Cow Itch Vine) Campsis radicans, or trumpet vine, dazzles with fiery blooms that attract hummingbirds and butterflies, enhancing garden biodiversity. Its vigorous growth covers unsightly areas swiftly, offering a low-maintenance, natural privacy ...
(Trumpet Vine, Cow Itch Vine) Campsis radicans, or trumpet vine, dazzles with fiery blooms that attract hummingbirds and butterflies, enhancing garden biodiversity. Its vigorous growth covers unsightly areas swiftly, offering a low-maintenance, natural privacy ...
(Woodbine, Fiveleaved Ivy, Five-finger, Engelman Ivy, Engelmannii, Carolina Creeper) Outstanding blazing red fall color and aloe-green foliage in summer, this woody vine densely covers ground or walls (climbs up to 100'). Quick, indefinite spreader. Mature prostrate ...
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