Review of 20% off Ferns: 25 Japanese Painted + 25 Cinnamon Ferns
As good as advertised!
10/09/2019 By Scott Stahr (IL)
10/09/2019 By Scott Stahr (IL)
Both my fern varieties arrived in excellent condition across the board. The Cinnamon ferns were a pleasant surprise as they sported serious roots on large plants in many cases. Due to weather I couldn't get them in the ground as quickly as I'd hoped, but they kept well with minimal care for about a week. Just planted the Cinnamons yesterday and I am hoping to see some positive growth signs before frost sets in her in the Midwest. The Pictum were likewise in great shape in their pots with tons of roots. This two fern package seems to me to be one helluva good deal. Very satisfied customer!