Calculate Plants

Calculate plants quickly and easily with this plant and landscaping calculator. It makes it easy to calculate how many plants you need, spacing, and coverage.

Fill in any two fields and this tool will calculate the third field.

Use this tool to determine:
  • How many plants do you need to cover a specific area? (Enter Area and Spacing)
  • What spacing best fills an area with a specific number of plants? (Enter Area and Number of Plants)
  • What area would be filled by a specific number of plants at a specific spacing? (Enter Spacing and Number of Plants)
Note: given proper nurturing, the center of the spacing range that we suggest on the "Specs" tab of each plant will generally result in good fill within two years. Use a closer spacing if you wish them to fill in more quickly. Farther spacing will reduce the number of plants needed, provided you are willing to wait longer for them to fill in. Plantings in northern zones will of course require more time to fill in, as the growing season is shorter.
Calculate Area, Spacing or Number of Plants
(enter two fields and click "Calculate")
Area covered (square feet):
Spacing between plants (inches):
Number of plants:

One of our sale items...

Cinnamon Fern {Bare Root Plants, min 10}
On Sale!: $4.47
Discount: 50%
Splendid peridot green with fronds that shift from yellow to bronze-cinnamon, this hardy, highly versatile, moisture loving fern is famous for the spicy colors of her fronds. Mature height 30-60".
In stock.
See also:
  Suggested spacing between plants
  Ground preparation and fertilizing


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