Goes well with Golden Variegated Sweet Flag

False Spirea (Red) {Bare Root Plants, min 10}
10 - 24: $7.47 each  |  25 - 99: $7.07 each
(False Goatsbeard) Ravishing ruby blossoms appear like flames on flower spikes (May-July) amidst vibrant saw-toothed foliage. Grows in shade, 18-24".
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Lily Turf 'Densiflora' {Bare Root Plants, min 50}
50 - 249: $1.57 each  |  250 - 999: $1.27 each
(Liriope) Lush, clumping coverage of deep emerald leaf blades with a showy lavender flower spike like miniature grape hyacinths. Easy to grow, tolerates drought and some salt. 18-22" tall.
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Daylily 'Purple de Oro' {Bare Root Plants, min 25}
25 - 99: $5.47 each  |  100 - 999: $5.17 each
Purplish red 2 3/4" blooms with a yellow throat and ruffled edge begin in early summer on this daylily with dense foliage and an abundance of reblooming flowers. A moderately compact semi-evergreen (in southern zones) daylily.
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Yarrow 'Coronation Gold' {3 1/2 in. Pots min 25}
25 - 249: $6.57 each  |  250 - 999: $6.27 each
(Fernleaf Yarrow, Cloth of Gold) 3-4" lovely, large golden flower clusters on wispy sage fern-like foliage with a slightly spicy scent reaching heights of 2-3 feet.
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Tickseed x 'Jethro Tull' {tray of 50 cells}
1 flat of 50 cells: $172.50 ($3.45 per plant)
Tickseed 'Jethro Tull' reaches 12-18 inches in height and thrives in full sun or partial sun. Its sunny yellow blooms and green foliage make it a cheerful addition to any garden.
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