Goes well with Daylily 'Happy Returns'

Hay-scented Fern {Bare Root Plants, min 10}
On Sale!: $4.97
Discount: 17%
People love this fern because it dramatically brightens shade gardens with vibrant chartreuse, medium sized foliage that emits the unique scent of fresh-cut hay when rubbed or crushed slightly. 2' tall.
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False Spirea (Pink) {Bare Root Plants, min 10}
10 - 24: $7.47 each  |  25 - 99: $7.07 each
(False Goatsbeard) Show-stopping feathery fuchsia blossoms appear like cotton candy on flower spikes (May-July) amidst vibrant saw-toothed foliage. Grows in shade, 18-24".
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Lily Turf 'Densiflora' {Bare Root Plants, min 50}
50 - 249: $1.57 each  |  250 - 999: $1.27 each
(Liriope) Lush, clumping coverage of deep emerald leaf blades with a showy lavender flower spike like miniature grape hyacinths. Easy to grow, tolerates drought and some salt. 18-22" tall.
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Angelina Stonecrop {flat of 18 Pots - 3 1/4 in}
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $85.86 ($4.77 per plant)
(Live Forever) Gorgeous golden globes of sunny needle-like semi-evergreen foliage that quickly spreads in citrusy mounds. Terrific for sunny areas with poor dry soil. 4-6" tall.
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Creeping Lily Turf {flat of 18 Pots - 3 1/4 in}
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $85.86 ($4.77 per plant)
(Liriope) Pale lavender to white flower spikes bloom in late summer amidst dense arching, evergreen (in southern zones) mat-forming tufts of narrow grassy foliage, 12-15" tall.
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Periwinkle 'Traditional' {flat of 18 Pots - 3 1/4 in}
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $89.46 ($4.97 per plant)
(Common/Creeping Periwinkle/Myrtle) True garden standard. Evergreen trailing vine with glossy emerald leaves forming thick coverage and profuse perwinkle flowers in spring, with occasional blooms to frost. 4-6" tall.
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Variegated Greater (Large Leaf) Periwinkle {flat of 18 Pots - 3 1/2 in}
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $102.06 ($5.67 per plant)
(Big Leaf Periwinkle/Myrtle) Hardy, elegant evergreen trailing vine with variegated glossy white margined leaves. Blue-lilac flowers emerge in early spring and persist sparsely through summer and fall. 8-18" tall.
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Golden Creeping Jenny {flat of 18 Pots - 3 1/4 in}
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $107.46 ($5.97 per plant)
(Gold Moneywort) Golden yellow in sun and lime-green in shade, this circular foliage is fast and low growing, forms a mat of dense coverage with delicate sunny yellow blooms. 2-4" tall.
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Phlox 'Scarlet Flame' {flat of 18 Pots - 3 1/2 in}
1 flat of 18 3 1/2" pots: $107.46 ($5.97 per plant)
Phlox 'Scarlet Flame' boasts vibrant scarlet flowers atop evergreen mats of foliage. This perennial thrives in full sun, flowering profusely in spring. It’s perfect for rock gardens and borders, growing up to 6 inches tall and spreading widely.
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Black Eyed Susan {3 1/2 in. Pots min 25}
25 - 249: $6.27 each  |  250 - 999: $5.97 each
(Black-Eyed Susan, Golden Coneflower) A classic perennial, bright golden yellow blooms with a deep ebony center cone. The "gold storm" blankets the tops of 18-30" tall plants from mid-July to October.
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Dwarf Plumbago, Hardy Blue Plumbago {3 1/2 in. Pots min 25}
25 - 249: $6.27 each  |  250 - 999: $5.97 each
(Leadwort) A cacophony of color, this shade-shifting semi-evergreen foliage begins burgundy, turns to green, and becomes red-tinged in autumn. Clusters of periwinkle blossoms from mid-summer to fall.
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Ice Plant {3 1/2 in. Pots min 25}
25 - 249: $6.57 each  |  250 - 999: $6.27 each
(Cooper's Hardy Ice Plant) Magnificent multitudes of magenta blooms cover this plant from early summer through several frosts. Trailing, succulent sage foliage is evergreen (in southern zones) giving a year-round carpet of color. 3-4" tall.
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Yarrow 'Paprika' {3 1/2 in. Pots min 25}
25 - 249: $6.57 each  |  250 - 999: $6.27 each
(Milfoil, Thousand Leaf, Stanchgrass, Sanguinary, Nose-bleed, Thousand Seal) 3-4" stunning, large crimson flower clusters on lacy sage fern-like foliage with a slightly spicy scent. Nearly evergreen foliage reaches two feet.
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Tickseed x 'Jethro Tull' {tray of 50 cells}
1 flat of 50 cells: $172.50 ($3.45 per plant)
Tickseed 'Jethro Tull' reaches 12-18 inches in height and thrives in full sun or partial sun. Its sunny yellow blooms and green foliage make it a cheerful addition to any garden.
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Speedwell 'Georgia Blue' {3 1/2 in. Pots min 25}
25 - 249: $6.97 each  |  250 - 999: $6.47 each
('Oxford Blue', 'Cambridge Blue', Speedwell 'Georgia Blue') Prolific, early (Feb-Apr) violet-blue blooms with white centers cover semi-evergreen red-tinged foliage that shifts to bronze/ruddy purple. 4-6" tall.
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Coneflower {tray of 72 cells}
1 flat of 72 cells: $198.72 ($2.76 per plant)
Coneflower reaches 36-48 inches tall and thrives in full sun. It features a variety of colorful blooms, adding a bold and beautiful presence to any garden space.
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Pincushion Flower 'Butterfly Blue' {tray of 72 cells}
1 flat of 72 cells: $213.84 ($2.97 per plant)
Lovely lavender carnation-like blooms attract butterflies all summer and make pleasing cut flowers in arrangements. Soft, wispy green foliage creates thick ground coverage. 12-18" tall.
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Plantain Lily 'Fragrant Bouquet' {tray of 38 cells}
1 flat of 38 cells: $214.32 ($5.64 per plant)
Plantain Lily 'Fragrant Bouquet' grows 12-18 inches and thrives in partial shade to full shade. Its fragrant, bell-shaped blooms and lush foliage add a lovely and aromatic touch to shaded garden areas.
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