Lenten Rose 'Walberton's Ivory Prince' tray of 50 cells
Helleborus x hybridus 'Walberton's Ivory Prince' (AKA Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Walhelivor' PP16199, Ivory Prince Hellebore, Walberton's Hellebore)
Pronunciation: hel-eh-BOR-us eks-HY-brih-dus 'WALL-bur-ton's IV-oh-ree PRINCE'
Product: 100512
Product: 100512
1-9 flats of 50 cells: $543.00 ($10.86 per plant)
10+ flats: $515.85 per flat ($10.32 per plant)
1-9 flats of 50 cells: $543.00 ($10.86 per plant)
10+ flats: $515.85 per flat ($10.32 per plant)
(minimum of 1) tray of 50 cells [ How many plants do I need? ] |