Silky Groundsel 'Angel Wings' tray of 72 cells
Senecio candicans 'Angel Wings' (AKA S. candidans, S. campylodes var. candicans, Cineraria sarmentosa, 'Senaw', PP28830, Angel Wings, Sea Cabbage, Silver Senecio, White Ragwort)
Pronunciation: seh-NEE-shee-oh kan-DI-kans 'AN-gel WINGS'
Product: 100711
Product: 100711
1-9 flats of 72 cells: $464.40 ($6.45 per plant)
10+ flats: $441.18 per flat ($6.13 per plant)
1-9 flats of 72 cells: $464.40 ($6.45 per plant)
10+ flats: $441.18 per flat ($6.13 per plant)
(minimum of 1) tray of 72 cells [ How many plants do I need? ] |