Asiatic Jasmine {Bare Root Plants, min 50}

Trachelospermum asiaticum (AKA 'brevisepalum', Malouetia asiatica, Melodinus cavaleriei. T. divaricatum, T. majus Nakai, T. crocostemon, T. asiaticum var. oblanceolatum Nakai, T. asiaticum var. glabrum Nakai, T. asiaticum var. intermedium Nakai, T. asiaticum var. liukiuense Hatus, T. asiaticum var. majus, Asian Jasmine, Dwarf Jasmine, Japanese Star Jasmine, Minima Jasmine, Yellow Star Jasmine, Small-Leaf Confederate Jasmine)
Pronunciation: truh-KEE-loh-SPER-mum ay-zee-AT-ih-kum
Product: 250

50 - 249: $1.87 each250 - 999: $1.57 each
1000 - 2499: $1.49 each2500 - 4999: $1.46 each
5000 - 9999: $1.41 each10000 - 19999: $1.33 each
20000+: $1.26 each
In stock.
(minimum of 50) Bare Root Plants
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An elegant, trailing, evergreen vine, Asiatic Jasmine's jade-green (1-2 inch) leaves form a dense mat of soft foliage that controls both erosion and weeds. If it flowers, the plant is adorned by small, white slightly jasmine-fragranced blossoms on its upper stems.

Lovely in containers and hanging baskets, the patio of a harsh, urban environment suits Asiatic Jasmine just fine as will an island with heavy traffic. If given support and guidance, Asiatic Jasmine can climb 8-10 feet, flourishing in sunny through shady locations.

Asiatic Jasmine will tolerate drought and even some foot traffic as well as salt (near a beach, not on the beach). Willing to tolerate deep shade, Asiatic Jasmine will also put up with full sun if kept adequately watered, but her preference will be moderately shady situations in hotter climates as well as regular watering and a rich, loamy soil. Still, preferences aside, Asiatic Jasmine will put up with just about any soil provided it is not soaking wet.

Her real appeal lies in her versatility as both a robust groundcover and a vine that climbs high enough to provide shade or covering for any structure. Vibrant green hues make her a year-round beauty in any garden.

Things to Note
Asiatic Jasmine is slow at establishment, so you may wish to consider closer spacing. You will also want to plan for abundant watering the first season. After establishment, it needs much less water, even tolerating drought.

Japanese Star Jasmine is not the same as Star Jasmine (AKA Trachelospermum jasminoides, Confederate Jasmine).

If you are considering purchasing this plant in bare root form, please read about bare root plants so you know what to expect.
See other plants that go well with this plant.
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look good
01/15/2015 By Howard Demello
Product reviewed: Asiatic Jasmine {Bare Root Plants, min 50}

it is too early to plant. weather is nasty, can't wait for sunny weather.

They’re already growing!!

50 Bare Root plants
10/09/2014 By don stitz
Product reviewed: Asiatic Jasmine {Bare Root Plants, min 50}

The price was the best on the web and the quality was outstanding. The roots were fresh and full bodied unlike the ones I tried to start with my own cuttings. I quickly finished my fall planting and will see if they survive our Philadelphia winter
Happy with healthy plants
10/01/2014 By John Wettermark
Product reviewed: Asiatic Jasmine {Bare Root Plants, min 50}

Nice bunch of healthy little plants. I was surprised that they were all so well-rooted, each with a mass of roots almost 1 inch long. And they arrived about 3 days within ordering!
so far so good
07/10/2014 By Carolin
Product reviewed: Asiatic Jasmine {Bare Root Plants, min 50}

I am very pleased with my purchase. I am pretty sure there were a little over the stated 50 plants in the shipment. I was skeptical at first but the plants took to the ground well and after weeding around them I was happy to see that they had already grown... Read full review >
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Asiatic Jasmine will do best with abundant water in the first season: it needs much less after establishment.

In the early spring, it can be pruned (or mowed) to maintain a tidy appearance.
General information that applies to all plants:
- Ground preparation, fertilization, pH
- Planting instructions
- Explanation and description of bare roots
- How to plant bare root plants
- If you cannot plant bare roots right away

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