Yellow Archangel {3 1/2 in. Pots, min 25}

Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Variegatum' (AKA Galeobdolon luteum, Artillery Plant, Aluminium Plant, Yellow Dead-nettle, Silverfrost, Variegated Lamium, Golden Deadnettle)
Pronunciation: lam-ee-AS-trum gal-ee-OB-doh-lon var-ee-uh-GAY-tum
Product: 309

25 - 249: $6.57 each250 - 999: $6.27 each
1000 - 2499: $5.96 each2500 - 4999: $5.83 each
5000 - 9999: $5.64 each10000 - 19999: $5.33 each
20000+: $5.02 each
In stock.
(minimum of 25) 3 1/2 in. Pots
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Picture a sunny blanket of yellow blossoms dotting your garden like a thousand golden fairies. Lamiastrum g. 'Variegatum' (commonly called Yellow Archangel) is in the family Lamiaceae (or Labiatae), which is the mint family, and as such, spreads by creeping stems that, in optimal growing conditions, can be somewhat invasive. Yellow Archangel is a stoloniferous spreading perennial with vibrant green and silver variegated foliage.

Similar to Lamium except it can take more sun and grows taller and faster, Yellow Archangel is evergreen in southern climates making it a wonderful option for a slightly lighter than typical green pop of color in grey winter months. Oval 2-inch leaves dance around the central stem of this perennial forming a loose mat that is the perfect backdrop to bushes, shrubs, and other taller perennials.

Excellent for erosion control, Yellow Archangel has a quick growth habit, grows easily in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade. Its favorite locale is a moist soil in part shade, though once it is established, it will tolerate some drought. Two-lipped yellow flowers appear in whorls on short stalks in late spring offering breathtaking glowing golden halos throughout your garden.

In short, if you are after a combination of color and hardy groundcover, you will not be disappointed in this minty-green and silver carpeting plant with perfect pops of yellow blossoms in late spring.
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Superb Plants
08/26/2015 By Mary Ann Rose
Product reviewed: Yellow Archangel {3 1/2 in. Pots min 25}

Fast and plants were in great shape. Not a bad one in the lot!

Plants arrived in great shape during a very hot spell in July. Good quality, well rooted. Fairly quick delivery. Very pleased.
05/06/2015 By Catherine Indeck
Product reviewed: Yellow Archangel {3 1/2 in. Pots min 25}

It is totally my fault. I didn't read enough to realize how invasive this plant is. Haven't planted yet. Trying to decide if I have a spot that's safe to give them
Great deal!
08/26/2014 By Kristin Kramer
Product reviewed: Yellow Archangel {3 1/2 in. Pots min 25}

The plants arrived in great shape and, once planted, quickly took off.
Lamiastrum galeobddolon
06/11/2014 By Randi Turner
Product reviewed: Yellow Archangel {3 1/2 in. Pots min 25}

Plants arrived in terrific shape and were larger (longer) than I expected. Doing great in the ground. Recently moved to PA and my only concern is will plants grown in the South survive the horrible winters that are apparently the norm here.
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Deadheading spent flower heads is recommended to promote extended blooming.
General information that applies to all plants:
- Ground preparation, fertilization, pH
- Planting instructions
- Explanation and description of bare roots
- How to plant bare root plants
- If you cannot plant bare roots right away

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