Bitterroot 'Little Peach' tray of 72 cells
Lewisia x longipetala 'Little Peach' (AKA L. longipetala x cotyledon, Little Peach Rock Rose, Bitterroot, Cliff Maids, Truckee Bitter-Root)
Pronunciation: loo-ISS-ee-ah eks-lon-ji-PEH-tah-lah 'LIT-ul PEACH'
Product: 100580
Product: 100580
1-9 flats of 72 cells: $203.04 ($2.82 per plant)
10+ flats: $192.89 per flat ($2.68 per plant)
1-9 flats of 72 cells: $203.04 ($2.82 per plant)
10+ flats: $192.89 per flat ($2.68 per plant)
In stock.
(minimum of 1) tray of 72 cells [ How many plants do I need? ] |