1-9 flats of 18 3 1/2" pots: $215.46 ($11.97 per plant) 10-99 flats: $204.69 per flat ($11.37 per plant) 100+ flats: $193.91 per flat ($10.77 per plant)
We're convinced Carex pensylvanica is not perfectly named. More suitable might be Water Fountain Grass, but no matter what you call it, Carex pensylvanica is a stop-you-in-your-tracks soft Sedge that seems to sway to the rhythm of the wind. Pennsylvania Sedge shifts with the seasons forming a carpet of peridot green in spring and turning to a sandy-golden tan in autumn.
While most ornamental Sedges grow best in moist or wet soil, Pennsylvania Sedge is an exception to that rule preferring dry soil and even tolerating drought. A low (6-12 inches), clumping perennial, it thrives in dry soil and remains lush while binding the soil with its dense roots making it perfect for erosion control.
With its tough disposition and spreading habit, this native grass makes an excellent semi-evergreen groundcover that elegantly arches to the ground in a regal bow. Fine texture and fountaining clumps make this a lovely underplanting for bolder shade perennials or on its own as a shade lawn.
Because it does well in full sun or shade and it has a restrained spreading fashion, Pennsylvania Sedge plays nicely with other plants. Clusters of brown seed capsules cling high on the stems adding both textural and color interest in addition to a feast for hungry birds.
Given excellent drainage and moderately moist to dry humus-rich soil, this plant will spread moderately fast and relentlessly by rhizomes. Depending on the soil moisture, this Sedge will spread between 3-8 inches per year and when planted in mass, the reddish-brown, thimble-like flowers and fountaining foliage create a gorgeous field-like, almost wild effect.
If you have a large empty canvas that needs low-maintenance filling with guaranteed color and texture, this Sedge is a must have.
Things to Note Irrigation is recommended for full sun application in southern zones.
Gardener Tips To use as a turf grass, mow 2-3 times a year, when 3-4 inches tall.
General information about Carex (Sedge):
Carex, a splendid Sedge, yields graceful arching foliage that bends and bows, creating a lush, green coverage of color like a fresh coat of paint.
Often used as a bold accent, for
and mass plantings, in containers, or as a groundcover in
and rock gardens, Carex can also be planted along banks of ponds, incorporated into perennial gardens, grouped together, and utilized as a ground cover along walkways, paths or on
sloping banks.
An excellent alternative to
Carex produces small,
to brown, bottlebrush-like
in late spring that are rather insignificant to the plant's ornamental value.
Most ornamental sedges grow best in
or wet soil, however we do offer
Pennsylvania Sedge
which is an exception to that rule.
As a complete lawn substitute, water feature plant, or simply a container at your front entrance, Carex will give a lush, tropical feeling to your garden.
Gardener Tips
Sedge looks its best when the foliage is cut back in late winter or early spring before new growth occurs.
Follow a regular watering schedule during the first growing season to establish a deep, extensive root system.
In northern zones, it does best when planted out of the way of winter winds and provided with some protection such as snow or straw.
You simply cannot go wrong pairing a large garden scape of
and Carex.
Even in potted plantings, the
blossoms of Coreopsis are a lovely foil to any Sedge.
The shipment was sent right away and I was given tracking updates so they didn't have to hang out in the 100F heat all day. The plugs are very developed and healthy. Just planted them and looking forward to seeing them grow. Thank you!
I have ordered twice; the first time I ordered with Amazon, and I was contacted by the owner as he was concerned that the delivery had been delayed and would affect the plants' condition and he offered to replace any that were under par. I was so impressed... Read full review >
To use as a turf grass, mow 2-3 times a year, when 3-4 inches tall.Irrigation is recommended for full sun application in southern zones.Sedge looks its best when the foliage is cut back in late winter or early spring before new growth occurs.
Follow a regular watering schedule during the first growing season to establish a deep, extensive root system.
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One flat of 18 3 1/4 -inch pots.
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One flat of 18 3 1/4 -inch pots.
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Forms a mound while growing out from the center, maintaining a compact shape.
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The organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plant and animal material by soil microorganisms.
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Rhizomes are root-like stems that may either grow horizontally at the soil surface or in other orientations underground.
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Rhizomes are root-like stems that may either grow horizontally at the soil surface or in other orientations underground.
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See our ivies.
See our Pachysandras (Japanese Spurge).
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See all plants that tolerate bogs, marshes, stream and pond edges, and other wet locations.
See our Pennsylvania Sedge (Carex pensylvanica).
See our Coreopsis.
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Conifers are gymnosperms, woody cone-bearing trees and shrubs. Examples of the 600+ conifers include cedars, cypresses, firs, junipers, kauri, larches, pines, hemlocks, redwoods, spruces, and yews.
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See all plants that creep and spread to cover areas.
See all plants that are good for controlling erosion.
See all plants with foliage that stays green all year (depending on where you are in the country). Check the plant description to make sure it is evergreen in your Cold Hardiness Zone, some plants are semi-evergreen (meaning that they are evergreen only in warmer climates).
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Proper ground preparation and fertilization will improve the growing environment and performance of your plants, testing pH is also a good idea (click for details)
A good planting strategy will make your job easier and produce excellent results
Bare root plants are plants that are shipped with the soil removed: they must be planted soon after delivery (click for more information)
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