False Spirea (Red) tray of 38 cells

Astilbe X arendsii 'Fanal' (AKA Astilbe japonica 'Fanal', Astilbe × japonica 'Fanal', Red Japanese Astilbe, Red Goats Beard, Red False Goatsbeard, False Goat's Beard, Meadowsweet)
Pronunciation: ah-STIL-bee ex ah-REN-see FAH-nahl
Product: 71953

1-9 flats of 38 cells: $169.86 ($4.47 per plant)
10+ flats: $161.37 per flat ($4.25 per plant)
Temporarily out of stock. Expected 06/09/25.
(minimum of 1) tray of 38 cells
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NOTE: This product ships from a location that requires extra lead time. Orders placed by 10am EST on Thursday will usually ship early the following week. This product can be pre-ordered if out-of-stock. Please be sure to study the next paragraph below to understand the size of these small plants and avoid unmet expectations.
These plants are grown in a 10" x 20" tray (view sample). Size of the cells in a 38-cell tray: depth 3.02" x 2.24" x 2.24". Volume: 7.7 cubic inches. View samples of all cell sizes.
Stunning feathery plumes of crimson flower spikes adorn the emerald saw-toothed foliage of this Astilbe like fiery flames.

Gardeners love the exotic romance Astilbe 'Fanal' brings to their landscape designs.

Please read about bare root plants (especially the paragraph about bare root grasses) so you know what to expect.
See other plants that go well with this plant.
General information about Astilbe (False Spirea):
Hands down, the fernlike foliage and feathery tufts of flowers that Astilbe offers are some of the most delightful textures and colors you will ever find in a perennial shade (or part shade) garden. If you have a water feature, Astilbe will stand tall as a foreground planting amidst other bog perennials.

Like a rooster with his feathers fanned out, the boa-like blossoms are simply breathtaking. We offer red, pink, and white varieties of this herbaceous, butterfly and hummingbird attracting perennial that flowers from June through September. Your garden will explode with the soft, downy texture of vibrant blooms that can be left to dry, giving color and texture throughout the remainder of the season.

With a moderate growth rate and willingness to grow in many soils, Astilbe will reward you most handsomely if you place him in moist, peaty humus-rich soil. You will find Astilbe is perfectly content in a bog habitat, along stream-banks or edging a pond where the flamboyant foliage and flowers reflect beautifully in water.

Astilbe is even willing to grow under trees (yes, even under walnut trees) where it yields the effect of fluffy-frocked fairies dancing about the base of the tree. Astilbe is dormant in winter; deer tend to avoid him, and will eventually spread to clumps almost 2 feet wide.

When planted closely together, you achieve a complete groundcover with wisps of fern-like foliage and downy blossoms. As edging, or foreground plantings, Astilbes will literally become vivid brush-strokes of Renoir-like color across a shaded garden.

Things to Note
For the first year in the ground Astilbe may have only a few blooms.

Astilbe flower heads last longer if they are planted away from the afternoon sun. They tolerate full sun in zones 3-8 if soil is kept moist (the foliage will scorch if plant is in full sun in dry soil).

Deadheading does not induce re-bloom, so leave the fading plumes as long as they have any ornamental interest.

Astilbe tends to brown out during shipment and has to reflush once it is planted. As long as the roots and crowns are not mushy (which could happen if they got cooked during shipment in hot weather) they will be fine.

Interesting Facts
Astilbe species are native to Asia and North America. Some varieties of Astilbe are native to the United States though these are not likely to be a cultivar of the native variety.

Astilbe is often referred to as 'false spirea' because it looks like Aruncus spirea.

Gardener Tips
When transplanting, please understand that growth will be stunted the first year. If planted after late spring you might lose ALL foliage; please rest assured that they they will bounce back with FULL foliage the next year.

When the dried seed heads are no longer attractive they can be removed so that the forest-green ferny foliage with mahogany stems can show itself to best effect.

For gorgeous color, elegant foliage and varied blooming time, try a trio of Astilbe, Creeping Jenny and Hosta.

Alternatively, for a mega-show of blossoms and rich foliage use the trio of Siberian Iris, Coral Bells and Astilbe.

See all Astilbe (False Spirea)
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05/26/2020 By Tim Foster (OH)
Product reviewed: False Spirea (Red) {Bare Root Plants, min 25}

They came gorgeously wrapped and immediately turned beautiful when I took them out the box.

Planted these about three years ago and they are doing well on the west side of my house in heavy clay amended with cow manure.
Very nice product!
06/10/2019 By William Vinson (ME)
Product reviewed: False Spirea (Red) {Bare Root Plants, min 10}

These plants arrived in excellent condition with mature roots- growing quite well!
All plants took
04/19/2019 By John Kessler (IL)
Product reviewed: False Spirea (Red) {Bare Root Plants, min 25}

First time I purchased bare root plants and all plants have taken well and seem to be thriving. Plan on ordering some more

The order came quickly, nicely packed with moist sphagnum moss around the roots, the plants were much larger than expected and they sent an extra one
Will definitely order again.
No unusual shipping concerns for this plant.
FREE SHIPPING - Classy Groundcovers offers free shipping, and your plants never spend more than three days in transit.

Precise delivery - another benefit from shopping with us is that you know how many days delivery will take and can control exactly when your order will be shipped.

Shipping information that applies to all plants:
- Transit Time For Your Shipment (at most 3 days)
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- You May Specify Your Shipping Date
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- Special Delivery Instructions
- No Shipments To: AK, AZ, CA, HI, NV, OR, WA or internationally
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- Returns
Deadheading does not induce re-bloom, so leave the fading plumes as long as they have any ornamental interest.
General information that applies to all plants:
- Ground preparation, fertilization, pH
- Planting instructions
- Explanation and description of bare roots
- How to plant bare root plants
- If you cannot plant bare roots right away

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These plants are grown in a 10" x 20" tray. Size of the cells in a 38-cell tray: depth 3.02" x 2.24" x 2.24". Volume: 7.7 cubic inches.

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These plants are grown in a 10" x 20" tray. Size of the cells in a 38-cell tray: depth 3.02" x 2.24" x 2.24". Volume: 7.7 cubic inches.

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This link shows you photographs comparing potted and bare root plants for some of our most popular plants. It will improve your understanding of what to expect from the various sizes.

Most of the time shipping will be on Tuesday but might be Wednesday in rare cases. Shipment originates in Florida or Pennsylvania and may arrive on a different day if you are ordering other items.

The inventory levels for this product fluctuate significantly, and its availability can only be confirmed when it ships. If the inventory runs out before your order is dispatched, you will have the option to either be prioritized for the next availability or to cancel your order.

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This is a sample of one of our 38-cell trays ...Sample tray

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Click for more information on removing spent blooms to encourage additional blooms.

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See our Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea').

See our Hostas.

See our Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica).

See our Coral Bells (Heuchera).

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Conifers are gymnosperms, woody cone-bearing trees and shrubs. Examples of the 600+ conifers include cedars, cypresses, firs, junipers, kauri, larches, pines, hemlocks, redwoods, spruces, and yews.

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Click for more information on removing spent blooms to encourage additional blooms.

Proper ground preparation and fertilization will improve the growing environment and performance of your plants, testing pH is also a good idea (click for details)

A good planting strategy will make your job easier and produce excellent results

Bare root plants are plants that are shipped with the soil removed: they must be planted soon after delivery (click for more information)

Article describing how to plant bare root plants (the same basic strategy works for all plants)

Information on the best way to store bare roots if you cannot plant them right away