False Spirea (Red) tray of 38 cells
Astilbe X arendsii 'Fanal' (AKA Astilbe japonica 'Fanal', Astilbe × japonica 'Fanal', Red Japanese Astilbe, Red Goats Beard, Red False Goatsbeard, False Goat's Beard, Meadowsweet)
Pronunciation: ah-STIL-bee ex ah-REN-see FAH-nahl
Product: 71953
Product: 71953
1-9 flats of 38 cells: $169.86 ($4.47 per plant)
10+ flats: $161.37 per flat ($4.25 per plant)
1-9 flats of 38 cells: $169.86 ($4.47 per plant)
10+ flats: $161.37 per flat ($4.25 per plant)
(minimum of 1) tray of 38 cells [ How many plants do I need? ] |